Earth Day will be celebrated around the world on April 22. Explore this year’s theme, Ending Plastic Pollution, by visiting the Earth Day Network or viewing End Plastic Pollution. National Geographics and United Nations also have short videos on the topic.
Enjoy Earth Day festivities with the Biology Club on Thursday, April 19th at 11:00 am in the Pecan Campus Courtyard.
Join in the celebration by visiting the library and checking out one of our many books or videos on the topic. Here are a few titles to get started:
Saved by the sea : hope, heartbreak, and wonder in the blue world / Helvarg, David
Call Number: QH 91.3 .H45 A3 2015

Plastic paradise : the great pacific garbage patch / Sun, Angela
Call Number: TD 427 .P62 P53 2014 DVD

Junk raft: an ocean voyage and a rising tide of activism to fight plastic pollution / Eriksen, Marcus
Call Number: GC 1471 .E75 2017

Plastic ocean : how a sea captain’s chance discovery launched a quest to save the oceans / Moore, Charles
Call Number: GC 1085 .M66 2012

A hole in the wind : a climate scientist’s bicycle journey across the United States / Goodrich, David M.
Call Number: GV 1045 .G66 2017

Tapped / Soechtig, Stephanie
Call Number: HD 9349 .M542 T36 2010 DVD

Planet Earth: Seven Ways to Help Save the World (database – Films on Demand)*

Environmental Issues (database – eLibrary)*

* Please note: If you are off campus, you will need to enter your JagNet username and password to access library databases.
Earth Day image from: http://www.outlook.noaa.gov/earthday/index.html
Contributed by Librarian, Maureen Mitchell