Database Spotlight

Explore EBSCO’s LearningExpress Library

Database Spotlight

Database Spotlight

Need to prepare for an occupational board exam, including NCLEX or TExES? Check out the practice exams in the LearningExpress Library database. New Users must create an account for the site in order to save their work, store score reports, and revisit any practice tests, tutorials, or eBooks. Registration only requires a valid email address and a password. This resource offers many other practice tests — explore!

How can you use LearningExpress?

  • Easy to follow video tutorials
  • Practice tests are based on real exams
  • Responsive design for use on desktop computers and mobile devices
  • Take practice exams either at your own pace or timed
  • Unlimited downloads for eBook content
  • Exams are accessible to all users, regardless of disability status.
LearningExpress Homepage

You can access LearningExpress from this blog post or from our Databases page.
Contributed by Librarian, Maureen Mitchell.