Explore EBSCO’s Military & Government Collections

Database Spotlight

Database Spotlight

Have you searched through the Military & Government Collections database? This database covers a wide range of topics pertaining to all branches of the U.S. military and government. It is designed to offer current news to military members, analysts, policy makers, students and researchers with cover-to-cover text for nearly 300 journals and periodicals (and abstracts) for an additional 400 titles.

What can you find on Military & Government Collections?

  • Periodicals and academic journals dating back to 1901
  • Wide spectrum of subjects covered: including military law and economics.
  • Cover-to-cover full texts, many highly searchable PDFs or scanned in color.
  • Easy citation tools.
  • Material from Army, Air Force, and Navy Times.

You can access the Military & Government Collections from this blog post or from our Databases page.
Contributed by Library Specialist William Heinrich.