Explore Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)

Database Spotlight

Database Spotlight

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an internet-based digital library of education research and information. ERIC provides access to 1.5 million bibliographic records (citations, abstracts, and other pertinent data) of journal articles and other education-related materials, with hundreds of new records added every week. A portion of the items is a collection of publication types which includes reports (annual, research, technical, etc.), working papers, and evaluations focused on the subject of education. Approximately one quarter of the complete ERIC Collection is available in full text. Materials with no full text available (primarily journal articles) can often be accessed using links to publisher websites and/or library holdings.

How can you use ERIC?

The ERIC collection includes bibliographic records (citations, abstracts, and other pertinent data) and/or full-text articles for 1.5 million items:

  • journal articles;
  • books;
  • research syntheses;
  • conference papers;
  • technical reports
  • policy papers; and
  • other education-related materials

You can access ERIC from this blog post or from our Databases page.
Contributed by Librarian Sabrina De Anda.