Explore ProQuest’s Nursing & Allied Health

Database Spotlight

Database Spotlight

Whether it’s supporting a clinical research study or providing faculty with instructional multimedia content to help students connect theory to practice, ProQuest’s Nursing & Allied Health Source provides users with reliable healthcare information covering nursing, allied health, alternative and contemporary medicine. This database provides access to evidence-based articles (systematic reviews and meta-analysis) and clinical trial records, plus expert opinions and findings from experimental studies.

Nursing & Allied Health Source also provides training videos from Medcom, Inc. These videos cover important topics such as health care safety, emergency planning, checking vital signs and more. Videos are broken down into chaptered clips for easy study and can be viewed in document view or downloaded to your desktop for reference. By going beyond journals and taking a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to subject coverage, this database is uniquely suited for students, instructors, researchers, and healthcare professionals.

What can you find on Nursing & Allied Health Source?

  • Clinical training videos to learn by doing.
  • Ease of use and intuitive navigation to quickly find research materials.
  • Over 90 peer-reviewed full-text journals
  • More than 12,000 full-text dissertations
  • Ongoing full-text access to high impact nursing journals and elite medical publications

You can access the Nursing & Allied Health Source from this blog post or from our Databases page.
Contributed by Librarian, Jose Noriega.