Category Archives: Our Collections

Earth Day – A Book Display EarthDayImage3

April 22, 2015 is the 45th anniversary of Earth Day and will be celebrated around the world. Explore the topic further by viewing a PBS Earth Day video or a short NBC video on the history of Earth Day, or by browsing the many resources on the Sustainable Works website or the Earth Day Network.

Here are the Pecan Campus Biology Club’s top picks for Earth Day: Gasland, Food Inc., and Mother: Caring for 7 Billion (2011).

Join in the celebration by visiting the library and checking out one of our many books on the topic in the South Texas College Libraries. Here are a few titles to get started:

Ecotourists save the world : the environmental volunteer’s guide to more than 300 international adventures to conserve, preserve, and rehabilitate wildlife and habitats / Brodowsky, Pamela K.

Call number: G 156.5 .E26 B76 2010

A spring without bees : how colony collapse disorder has endangered our food supply / Schacker, Michael

Call Number: SF 538.5 .C65 S33 2008

The weather makers : how man is changing the climate and what it means for life on Earth / Flannery, Tim F.

Call Number: QC 981.8 .C5 F438 2005

Love Canal : And the Birth of the Environmental Health Movement (eBook) / Gibbs, Lois Marie

Save the Planet : 52 Brilliant Ideas for Rescuing Our World (eBook) / Marshall, Natalia

An unreasonable woman : a true story of shrimpers, politicos, polluters, and the fight for Seadrift, Texas / Wilson, Diane

Call Number: SH 20 .W55 A3 2005

Plastic ocean : how a sea captain’s chance discovery launched a quest to save the oceans / Moore, Charles

Call Number: GC 1085 .M66 2012

The eco-living handbook : a complete green guide for your home and life / Callard, Sarah

Call Number: GE 196 .C353 2009

Planetary citizenship : your values, beliefs, and actions can shape a sustainable world / Henderson, Hazel

Call Number: GE 195 .H46 2004

America Goes Green : An Encyclopedia of Eco-friendly Culture in the United States (eBook) / Duram, Leslie A.; White, Kim Kennedy

Gaia’s garden : a guide to home-scale permaculture / Hemenway, Toby

Call Number: SB 439 .H44 2009

Additionally, learn about environmental issues at Earth Times.

Contributed by Librarian, Maureen Mitchell

New Database: Alexander Street Press: Stanford Executive Briefing Series

Alexander Street Press

The Library has added Alexander Street Press’ Stanford Executive Briefing Series: Thought Leaders collection of online videos.  Alexander Street Press is an online service that provides educational videos in streaming video format. The Stanford Executive Briefing Series: Thought Leaders collection consists of 20 lectures by corporate executives and scholars on leadership and business management topics.

Searching and viewing Alexander Street Press Stanford Executive Briefing Series videos does not require creating an account. However, by creating an account, users can create folders with playlists, share video segments by e-mail, or post video segments to online course management programs like Blackboard. The Stanford Executive Briefing Series collectioncan be accessed by selecting Alexander Street PressStanford Executive Briefing Series from the Library’s Databases page at

Contributed by Jesús Campos, Director of Technical Services.

Who Knew? Searching Google Scholar

Did you know you can search for journal articles from our TexShare Databases in Google Scholar? From Google Scholar, click on Settings as shown below.


Next, click on Library links on the left which will bring up a search box. Type South Texas College and search to bring up the below options. Check: Open WorldCat and South Texas College, and Save.


In Google Scholar, search your keywords, for example, “adhesive capsulitis” “mobilization techniques”, will bring up the below results. To see the article from our databases, click on the Texshare EBSCOhost link. To find more articles on the same topic, click on Related articles. To see the article citation in several formats, click on Cite.



Additionally, students of Paralegal Studies can find case law in Google Scholar by clicking on the case law option found below the search box on the initial Google Scholar search page, in the top illustration.

Contributed by Librarian, Maureen Mitchell


Who Knew? Finding New Books in the Library


New books that have arrived are located in the New Arrival shelving display in the library. To find a listing of these titles, go to the library homepage and click on the Library Catalog. On the next page, in the drop down selection for Location, choose New Collection, as shown below, and search.


Additionally, if you would like to relax with a bestseller, select Bestsellers found just below New Collection to bring up the current list from which to choose.

Contributed by Librarian, Maureen Mitchell

New Database: JoVE: General Laboratory Techniques

JoVE database

The STC Library has added JoVE’s General Laboratory Techniques streaming video collection to its research databases. The General Laboratory Techniques collection was created by JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), a PubMed/MEDLINE-indexed, peer reviewed, scientific video journal that intends to make it easier to learn and reproduce scientific techniques by viewing them.

The JoVE General Laboratory Techniques collectioncan be accessed by selecting JoVE from the Library’s Online Library page at

Contributed by Jesús Campos, Director of Technical Services.

Constitution Day – A Book Display

Celebrate Constitution Day with one of the terrific books from our library collection. Constitution Day is celebrated on September 17th throughout the United States.  It was September 17, 1787 that the Constitution was signed in Philadelphia.

And think about attending the STC Constitution Day event!  Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014 | 11:30am-1pm at the Pecan Campus Courtyard! Click this link for more information!

America’s constitution : a biography – Akhil Reed Amar

Call number – KF 4541 .A87 2005

The writing and ratification of the U.S. Constitution : practical virtue in action – John R Vile

Call number – KF 4541 .V555 2012

A companion to the United States Constitution and its amendments – John R Vile

Call number – KF 4550 .V55 2010

Plain, honest men : the making of the American Constitution – Richard R Beeman

Call number – KF 4510 .B44 2009

The words we live by : your annotated guide to the constitution – Linda R Monk

Call number – KF 4550 .Z9 M66 2003

Contributed by library specialist Rick Rosales.

Hobbies – A Book Display

Need a break from studying or looking for something new to do after the summer sessions? Stop by the library and check out one of our many books on hobbies. We have a wide variety of topics from which to choose. Below are a few titles to get you started.

#1) Grilling & roasting – TX 840 .B3 G755 2007

#2) Classic origami – TT 870 .T89 1995

#3) All new square foot gardening: the revolutionary way to grow more in less space – SB 321 .B275 2013

#4) Fishing basics – SH 441.C5924 1999

#5) Sew basic: 34 essential skills for sewing with confidence – TT 705 .S453 2002

#6) Soccer: technique & tactics – GV943 .K65 2000

#7) The artist’s handbook: a step-by-step guide to drawing, watercolour & oil painting – N 7430 .G35 2000

#8) Joy of backpacking: your complete guide to attaining pure happiness in the outdoors – GV 199.6 .B45 2007

#9) Scrapbooking techniques for beginners – TR 465 .M43 2007

#10) The crafter’s guide to taking great photos: the best techniques for showcasing your handmade creations – TR 658.5 .A36 2011

Contributed by Maureen Mitchell, Librarian.

New Database: Latino-Hispanic American Experience: Leaders, Writers, and Thinkers


The Library has acquired the Latino-Hispanic American Experience: Leaders, Writers, and Thinkers digital collection. This EBSCO digital resource is the second series of the Arte Público Hispanic Historical Collection and consists of newspapers, letters, advertisements, and other primary source documents covering Latino-Hispanic civil rights, religion, and women’s rights.

Latino-Hispanic American Experience: Leaders, Writers, and Thinkers can be accessed from the Library’s Online Library page at

Contributed by Jesús Campos, Director of Technical Services.

READ! – Mr. William Buhidar recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to showcase our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Mr. William Buhidar and his book recommendations.  Mr. Buhidar teaches with the Visual Arts and Music Department at the Pecan campus.  Additionally, he conducts musical performances at the college.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Mr. William Buhidar recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

The Compleat Mozart: a guide to the complete works – Neal Zaslaw

The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy

Empire of the Sun by J. G. Ballard

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Haydn: Chronicle & Works by H.C. Robbins Landon

READ! – Dr. Wallace Johnson recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Dr. Wallace Johnson and his book recommendations.  Dr. Johnson teaches with the Political Science Department at the Pecan campus.  He has been teaching at the college since 1999.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Dr. Wallace Johnson recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren

Lincoln by Gore Vidal

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre by B. Traven

The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay (add authors)

The Essence of Decision by Graham Allison

Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam