Category Archives: READ Posters

READ! – Mr. William Buhidar recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to showcase our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Mr. William Buhidar and his book recommendations.  Mr. Buhidar teaches with the Visual Arts and Music Department at the Pecan campus.  Additionally, he conducts musical performances at the college.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Mr. William Buhidar recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

The Compleat Mozart: a guide to the complete works – Neal Zaslaw

The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy

Empire of the Sun by J. G. Ballard

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Haydn: Chronicle & Works by H.C. Robbins Landon

READ! – Dr. Wallace Johnson recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Dr. Wallace Johnson and his book recommendations.  Dr. Johnson teaches with the Political Science Department at the Pecan campus.  He has been teaching at the college since 1999.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Dr. Wallace Johnson recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


All the King’s Men by Robert Penn Warren

Lincoln by Gore Vidal

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre by B. Traven

The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay (add authors)

The Essence of Decision by Graham Allison

Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam

READ! – Ms. Melba Treviño recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Ms. Melba Treviño and her book recommendations. Ms. Treviño serves as Interim Dean for the Nursing and Allied Health campus. She has been teaching at the college since 1995.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Ms. Melba Treviño recommends for everyone to read. Check out her selections below!


Heart-shaped cookies : and other stories by David Rice

90 minutes in heaven : a true story of death & life by Don Piper with Cecil Murphey

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Angels & demons by Dan Brown

Daddy’s gone a hunting by Mary Higgins Clark

The 9th judgment by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

READ! – Mr. Jaime Garcia recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Mr. Jaime Garcia and his book recommendations.  Mr. Garcia serves as Music Instructor at South Texas College where he teaches guitar.  He also has performed throughout the country classical guitar and has received awards for teaching.  Mr. Garcia has been teaching at the college since 2009.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Mr. Jaime Garcia recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi) by Herman Hesse

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Zen Guitar by Philip Toshio Sudo

Classic Guitar of Spain by Joseph Harris

Classic Guitar of Bach by Joseph Harris

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

READ! – Dr. Deborah Villalon recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Dr. Deborah Villalon and her book recommendations.  Dr. Villalon serves as Biology Instructor at the MidValley Campus as well as the club advisor for the MidValley Biology Club.  Dr. Villalon has worked to Earth Day with festivals and activities, as well as bringing attention to issues such as Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention.  She has been teaching at the college since 2006.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Dr. Villalon recommends for everyone to read. Check out her selections below!



Glowing genes : a revolution in biotechnology Zimmer, Marc

Why evolution is true Coyne, Jerry A., 1949-

Francis Crick : discoverer of the genetic code Ridley, Matt

Understanding breast cancer genetics Zimmerman, Barbara T

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (pictured in the poster)

READ! – Daniel Morales recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Mr. Daniel Morales and his book recommendations.  Mr. Morales serves as the Chair of the Manufacturing Technology Program.  He has been instrumental in the NIMS (National Institute for Metalworking Skills) Accreditation of the Precision Manufacturing Technology for STC.  He has been teaching at the college since 2006.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Mr. Morales recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Machinery’s Handbook by Erik Oberg

Precision Machining Technology by Peter J. Hoffman, et al.

Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength by James Stoppani

You are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises by Mark Lauren

The Goal, a Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eli Goldratt

READ! – Dr. Ali Esmaeili recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Dr. Ali Esmaeili and his book recommendations.  Dr. Esmaeili serve’s the college as Dean of Bachelor Programs, Interim Division Dean of Math and Science, and Interim Division Dean for Developmental Studies.  He has been working at South Texas College since 1990 where he started as a Mathematics Instructor.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Dr. Esmaeili recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


The Math Book by Clifford Pickover

The Man of Numbers: Fibonacci’s Arithmetic Revolution by Keith Devlin

A Beautiful Mind by Silvia Nasar

The Discoveries: Great Breakthroughs in 20th Century Science by Alan Lightman

The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi by Mario Livio

The Man Who Knew Infinity by Robert Kanigel

Poet and Mystic: Rumi by Jalal al-Din Rumi

READ! – Rachael Brown Recommends…

We are proud to have a selection of books that Ms. Rachael Brown recommends for everyone to read.  Ms. Brown is a popular art instructor that teaches mostly at the Mid-Valley campus.  Not only does she teach art, but Ms. Brown is a very accomplished artist as well.

Check out her selections below!


House of the Spirits – Isabel Allende

Loving Pedro Infante – Denise Chavez

Caramelo: a novel – Sandra Cisneros

Loose Woman: poems – Sandra Cisneros

Chicano Visions – Cheech Marin

Popol Vuh 

The Road to Aztlan: Art from a Mythical Homeland – Virginia Fields

Stop by and check some out when you get a chance!

READ! – Dr. Lydia Bean Recommends…

We are proud to have a selection of books that Dr. Lydia Bean recommends for everyone to read.  Dr. Bean is a popular instructor that teaches mostly at the Pecan campus.  Not only does she College Success, but Dr. Bean is holds a doctorate in Geography.

Check out her selections below!

formal_poster Lydia Bean

Tuesdays with Morrie – Mitch Albom

The Last Lecture – Randy Pausch

The Geography of Bliss – Eric Weiner

A Sand County Almanac – Aldo Leopold

Silent Spring – Rachael Carson

The Material World: A Global Family Portrait – Peter Menzel

Women in the Material World – Faith D’Aluisio and Peter Menzel

Goode’s World Atlas – Rand McNally

Stop by and check them out when you get a chance!

READ! – Lanesa Poulton Recommends…

Dearest Readers,

You’ve probably guessed it already, and hopefully have been waiting for it: it’s time for our fourth installment of READ!, our faculty featured recommendation posters.

Just in time for finals, we are excited to highlight favorites of our poodle-loving, “cool cat” English instructor Lanesa Poulton. See her recommendations below the poster and on our virtual bookshelf, and come by to check some out! We all need a break from exams, and sometimes literary levity or thought-provoking text is just what the doctor ordered!


Her Recommendations from our Library:

The Perfect Vehicle: What it is about Motorcycles by Melissa Holbrook Pierson

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert M. Pirsig

Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World has Never Seen by Christopher McDougall

Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

Poodle by Bruce Fogle

The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel by Garth Stein

She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

Selected Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks

Stop by and check some out when you get a chance!

Good luck on your finals and term papers. We hope to see you in the library and don’t forget, we’re here to help you with your research and citation questions, all you need to do is ASK!