READ! – Víctor Gómez Recommends…

Hopefully you’ve all been Acing those finals this week! As a little treat, and to wrap up the semester, we’d like to share with you our final READ! poster of the semester (no worries! there are more to come in the Fall!). Today we’d like to welcome our featured guest, Víctor Gómez, Assistant Professor, Assistant Chair of the Department of History and Philosophy, and Coordinator of the Mexican American Studies Program. As if that weren’t enough, he’s also known for his fantastic organization prowess as shown with his recent success in organizing the NACCS Conference, hosted here at STC! So here he is with his fabulously (if not obviously) themed recommendations.

We hope you enjoy his reads as much as we do, and just think, Summer is here, and reading is a great activity to do while suntanning! Enjoy!


His recommendations from our libraries:

Borderlands: The New Mestiza by Gloria Anzaldaua

Life along the Border by Jovita Gonzáles

With His Pistol in His Hand by Américo Paredes

From Out of the Shadows by Vicki L. Ruiz (Available on Ebook – HERE!)

Better Day Coming: Blacks and Equality by Adam Fairclough

Anglos and Mexicans in the Making of Texas by Davis Montejano

They Called Them Greasers by Arnoldo De León

Crossing Over: A Mexican Family on the Migrant Trail by Rubén Martínez

500 Years of Chicana Women’s History by Elizabeth Martínez

Occupied America: A History of Chicanos by Rodolfo Acuña

Stop by and check some out when you get a chance and look for some more of our READ! Recommendation posters starting in the Fall!