Database Spotlight
Today’s Science features thousands of original articles written by scientists and science journalists in easy-to-understand language, based on the most current peer-reviewed journal articles. The in-depth coverage spans important advances in biology, chemistry, environmental science, space, physics, and technology. An extensive backfile illustrates how one scientific advance leads to another; the stories focus on the questions scientists ask themselves and, in doing so, reinforce science educators’ traditional emphasis on the scientific method.
What does Today’s Science provide?
- Video News Briefs: bite-size science info that uses real-world examples to teach applied science
- Research Topics: summaries of key topics to jump-start research; plus, a complete, hyperlinked Topic Index
- Discussion questions: designed to encourage critical thinking about each article
- Pop-up glossary: putting 7,000+ important science terms at students’ fingertips, promoting science literacy
- Educator & student tools: writing and research tips for students and educators
You can access Databases page.
Contributed by Librarian, Ana Naumann.