Category Archives: Our Collections

Remembering Maya Angelou – Book Display

Maya Angelou, April 4, 1928 – May 28, 2014

In memory to the award winning author and poet, check out one of Maya Angelou’s great reads. Here are a few titles to get started, but you can find many more in our collection.

#1)   I know why the caged bird sing – E 185.97 .A56 A3 1971

#2) All God’s children need traveling shoes – PS 3551 .N464 Z463 1991

#3) Gather together in my name – PS 3551 .N464 Z464 1974

#4) The heart of a woman – PS 3551 .N464 Z465 1997

#5) Even the stars look lonesome – PS 3551 .N464 E94 1998

#6) The complete collected poems of Maya Angelou 1st ed. – PS 3551 .N464 A17 1994

#7) Wouldn’t take nothing for my journey now – PS 3551 .N464 W68 1994

#8) I shall not be moved – PS 3551 .N464 I17 1991

#9) Mom & me & mom – PS 3551 .N464 Z46 2013

#10) The Power of speech, video recording – PN 4121 .P69 2004 DVD

Contributed by Maureen Mitchell

READ! – Ms. Melba Treviño recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Ms. Melba Treviño and her book recommendations. Ms. Treviño serves as Interim Dean for the Nursing and Allied Health campus. She has been teaching at the college since 1995.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Ms. Melba Treviño recommends for everyone to read. Check out her selections below!


Heart-shaped cookies : and other stories by David Rice

90 minutes in heaven : a true story of death & life by Don Piper with Cecil Murphey

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

Angels & demons by Dan Brown

Daddy’s gone a hunting by Mary Higgins Clark

The 9th judgment by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

Texas Travel Book Display

Are you thinking about traveling after finals? Stop by the library and check out a travel guidebook. We have guides for domestic and international travel destinations. Below are a few titles if you are thinking about traveling the great state of Texas.

1.  Texas (Lonely Planet Series) – call no. F 384.3 .K73 2011


2.  Exploring Texas with Children – call no. F384.3 .B83 1999


3.  Official guide to Texas state parks and historic sites – call no. F 384.3 .P36 2008


4.  Finding butterflies in Texas : a guide to the best sites – call no. QL 551 .T4 W39 2006


5.  52 Texas weekends : great getaways and adventures for every season – call no. F384.3 .S36 2000


6.  Good times in Texas [electronic resource] : a pretty complete guide to where the fun is – call no. F384.3 .H63 1999 EB


7.  Hiking Texas – call no. GV 199.42 .T49 1997


8.  National Geographic field guide to birds. Texas – call no. QL 684 .T4 N38 2005


9.  Texas guide : be a traveler, not a tourist! – call no. F 384.3 .M66 1998


10.  More ghost towns of Texas – call no. F 387 .B353 2003


Contributed by Maureen Mitchell

READ! – Mr. Jaime Garcia recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Mr. Jaime Garcia and his book recommendations.  Mr. Garcia serves as Music Instructor at South Texas College where he teaches guitar.  He also has performed throughout the country classical guitar and has received awards for teaching.  Mr. Garcia has been teaching at the college since 2009.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Mr. Jaime Garcia recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


The Glass Bead Game (Magister Ludi) by Herman Hesse

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Zen Guitar by Philip Toshio Sudo

Classic Guitar of Spain by Joseph Harris

Classic Guitar of Bach by Joseph Harris

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Who Knew? Smart Text Searching in Academic Search Complete

Do you have a quote from a database article, but forgot to note your source?  There is a way to find it!

For example, to find the following highlighted quote found in Academic Search Complete, copy the quote:

Today, Travel & Tourism accounts for some 9.2 percent of our nation’s GDP … That’s worth almost $1.4 trillion dollars … And it provides nearly 14 million jobs. That’s practically 10 percent, or 1 out of every 10 jobs in the United States of America.

Next open Academic Search Complete, and choose “Smart Text Searching” located underneath the ”Search Mode” option.  Additionally, check off the box “Also search within the full text of the articles.”

Now paste the quote into the search box as shown below and search!..


After executing the search, the first article in the list of results is where the quote is found.


Contributed by librarian Maureen Mitchell.

READ! – Dr. Deborah Villalon recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Dr. Deborah Villalon and her book recommendations.  Dr. Villalon serves as Biology Instructor at the MidValley Campus as well as the club advisor for the MidValley Biology Club.  Dr. Villalon has worked to Earth Day with festivals and activities, as well as bringing attention to issues such as Breast Cancer Awareness and Prevention.  She has been teaching at the college since 2006.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Dr. Villalon recommends for everyone to read. Check out her selections below!



Glowing genes : a revolution in biotechnology Zimmer, Marc

Why evolution is true Coyne, Jerry A., 1949-

Francis Crick : discoverer of the genetic code Ridley, Matt

Understanding breast cancer genetics Zimmerman, Barbara T

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (pictured in the poster)

Who Knew? WestlawNext Campus Research

Looking for a Hoover Company Profile or SEC financial statement, the library has just what you need in the database, WestlawNext Campus Research. Once you are in the database, click on the news link:


In the next window, click on Hoover’s Company Profiles to bring up the link you will need to follow.

On the left side under Search These Sources, to see a Company Profile, click on Hoover’s Company Profiles or to see a SEC financial statement, click on SEC Filings. After clicking, search the company to bring up the desired information.

Submitted by librarian Maureen Mitchell.

READ! – Daniel Morales recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Mr. Daniel Morales and his book recommendations.  Mr. Morales serves as the Chair of the Manufacturing Technology Program.  He has been instrumental in the NIMS (National Institute for Metalworking Skills) Accreditation of the Precision Manufacturing Technology for STC.  He has been teaching at the college since 2006.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Mr. Morales recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Machinery’s Handbook by Erik Oberg

Precision Machining Technology by Peter J. Hoffman, et al.

Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength by James Stoppani

You are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises by Mark Lauren

The Goal, a Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eli Goldratt

Who Knew? Gale Literary Database

Need to pick an author for a report but don’t know where to start? Gale Literary Database(link), found under Contemporary Authors, is a great way for students who have an idea but need help narrowing down their choices.

A useful feature in Gale Literary Database is the “Dictionary of Literary Biography.”  It allows users to find authors by browsing:

  • genre
  • topic
  • age
  • nationality


Contributed by Gina Otvos, Library Specialist.

READ! – Dr. Ali Esmaeili recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Dr. Ali Esmaeili and his book recommendations.  Dr. Esmaeili serve’s the college as Dean of Bachelor Programs, Interim Division Dean of Math and Science, and Interim Division Dean for Developmental Studies.  He has been working at South Texas College since 1990 where he started as a Mathematics Instructor.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Dr. Esmaeili recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


The Math Book by Clifford Pickover

The Man of Numbers: Fibonacci’s Arithmetic Revolution by Keith Devlin

A Beautiful Mind by Silvia Nasar

The Discoveries: Great Breakthroughs in 20th Century Science by Alan Lightman

The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi by Mario Livio

The Man Who Knew Infinity by Robert Kanigel

Poet and Mystic: Rumi by Jalal al-Din Rumi