READ! – Daniel Morales recommends…

The South Texas College Library is proud to continue to debut our second series of READ Posters.

This week we are featuring Mr. Daniel Morales and his book recommendations.  Mr. Morales serves as the Chair of the Manufacturing Technology Program.  He has been instrumental in the NIMS (National Institute for Metalworking Skills) Accreditation of the Precision Manufacturing Technology for STC.  He has been teaching at the college since 2006.

We are proud to have a selection of books that Mr. Morales recommends for everyone to read. Check out his selections below!


Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Machinery’s Handbook by Erik Oberg

Precision Machining Technology by Peter J. Hoffman, et al.

Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength by James Stoppani

You are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises by Mark Lauren

The Goal, a Process of Ongoing Improvement by Eli Goldratt