Earth Day will be celebrated around the world on April 22nd. Join in the celebration by visiting the library and checking out one of our many videos on the topic. Here are a few titles to get started:
#1) Years of living dangerously: the complete series / Cameron, James
Call Number: QC 902.9 .Y437 2014 DVD
Also found online in Films on Demand database.*

#2) Tapped / Soechtig, Stephanie
Call Number: HD 9349 .M542 T36 2010 DVD

#3) The 11th hour / Conners, Nadia.
Call Number: GF 75 .A13 2008 DVD

#4) Plastic paradise : the great Pacific garbage patch / Sun, Angela
Call Number: TD 427 .P62 P53 2014 DVD

#5) Vanishing of the bees [videorecording] / Langworthy, George
Call Number: SF 538.5 .C65 V36 2010 DVD

#6) Dirt! : the movie [videorecording] / Benenson, Bill
Call Number: S 591 .D57 2009 DVD

#7) Gasland : Can you light your water on fire? / Fox, Josh
Call Number: TN 881 .A1 G373 2010 DVD & ( Part II: TD 195 .G3 .G37 2014 DVD)

#8) Food, Inc / Kenner, Robert
Call Number: TP 370.2 .F66 2009 DVD

#9)Unacceptable levels / Author Brown
Call Number: RA 1226 .U533 2013 DVD
Also found online in Films on Demand. *

#10) GMO trilogy / Smith, Jeffrey M.
Call Number: TP 248.65 .F66 G66 2006 DVD
Additionally, many related titles can be found in the Films on Demand database by searching Earth Day or Environmental Science. Check out the online videos, Blue Gold: World Water Wars or Flow: For Love of Water to get started. The Green Interview films and Green Planet Films also have many related titles of interest.*
* Please note: If you are off campus, you will need to enter your JagNet username and password to access library databases.
Contributed by Librarian, Maureen Mitchell
Earth Day image from www.rinconeducativo.org with changes under creative common: CC BY-NC 2.5