STC Library is thrilled to work with the STC History Department and the Liberal Arts Division to present a film series focused on The Cold War and sentiments at that time.
10/01/2023: New location! All screenings listed below will take place in the Building D Auditorium on Pecan Campus at 5:30PM.
Thursday, September 28th: Twilight Zone Block 1
John Terry, Dr. Robert Miller, J.J. Guajardo – “Conformity during the Cold War”
Thursday, October 26th: The Thing (1982)
Dr. Robert Miller – “Invisible Invaders: The Renewal of the Red Scare in the Reagan Years”
Thursday, November 9th: Rocky IV (1985)
Dr. Christopher Davis – “War by Other Means: The Cold War in the Athletic Arena”
Thursday, December 7th: The Parallax View (1974)
John Terry – “Paranoia and Mistrust during the Cold War”