Category Archives: Pecan Campus

Co-writer of the Film “Machete” to talk at Pecan Library

libevents-alvaro On Tuesday October 5 at 7:00 pm screenwriter Alvaro Rodriguez will visit the Pecan campus library to discuss the movie Machete.

Rodriguez is a Valley native and screenwriter whose work includes MACHETE, SHORTS and FROM DUSK TILL DAWN: THE HANGMAN’S DAUGHTER.   He has worked as a reporter for The McAllen Monitor, and is the author of a series of short stories set along the Texas–‐Mexico border, many of which have been published in journals including El Paso’s Bordersenses and The Mesquite Review. He will be a panelist at Austin Film Festival in October 2010.

Celebrate Banned Books Week at STC

Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual event celebrating the freedom to read and the importance of the First Amendment.  Held during the last week of September, Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted bannings of books across the United States.

At the MidValley and Pecan campus libraries, displays are up showing books that have been banned in the past.  In addition, the Pecan campus library will be showing the movie Salt of the Earth, an American classic film, but at the time time of it’s release, the movie had a lot of trouble getting released. The movie will be shown on Sept. 29 at 12pm at F-102.

Enjoy the displays below:


Display at Pecan Library


Display at MidValley Library

To find out more about Banned Books, please visit ALA’s website:

Contributed by Patricia Saenz Library Technician at MidValley and Esther Garcia, Library Specialist at Pecan.

Celebrate Hector P. Garcia Day at the Library

libevents-Movies8Pictured with President Lyndon B. Johnson

In 2009, the State of Texas decreed the third Wednesday of September to be Hector P. Garcia Day.  In honor, the STC Library will be screening a documentary about his life.  Dr. Hector P. Garcia was born in Mercedes.  He was a doctor, World War II veteran, civil rights advocate, and founder of the American G.I. Forum.  He was a U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

For more information about Dr. Hector P. Garcia look for the book about his life: Hector P. García by Ignacio M. Garcia (check for availability).

Also visit UTMB’s website dedicated to Dr. Garcia (click here).

9/15 at 12pm Pecan Library
9/15 at 12pm MidValley Library
9/16 at 12pm MidValley Library

For more information contact the MidValley Library at 447-6663 or the Pecan Library at 872-6485.

Frida screening Aug. 5th

libevents-Movies6The Pecan and MidValley Libraries will be showing the movie Frida.  The movie is based on the Hayden Herrera biography, and was nominated for six Oscars, and it won two.

“Salma Hayek plays the Mexican surrealist painter Frida Kahlo, whose tempestuous life with her unfaithful husband, muralist Diego Rivera (Alfred Molina), drives the story of Frida. Maverick director Julie Taymor (Titus, the Broadway stage production of The Lion King) pulls out a wealth of gorgeous visuals to capture everything from the horrific bus accident that damaged Kahlo’s spine to her and Rivera’s trip to New York City, where Rivera’s political leanings ruptured a commission from the Rockefeller family.  Taymor’s dynamic energy and Kahlo’s forceful personality give Frida genuine emotional impact. The superb cast includes Roger Rees, Valeria Golino, Ashley Judd, Geoffrey Rush, Antonio Banderas, and Edward Norton. –Bret Fetzer from Editorial Review

Pecan Aug. 5 at 12pm

MidValley Aug. 5 at 12pm

For more information contact Esther Garcia at or 956-872-6485.

Summer Displays

Due to Hurricane Alex, the Displays committee has extended June’s displays until the end of July. This will give students, faculty, staff, and patrons an opportunity to view books about how to improve their communication skills such as public speaking, interpersonal, organizational, small group, persuasion etc.

We also have a library display up about Men’s Health. The books for this specific display will help men who are dealing with physical, mental issues, and taboo topics that society rarely talks about. These books allow our STC campus and community to become aware of struggles men deal with on a day-to-day basis and a look at how to solve those issues.

In addition, committee members put up three additional displays that celebrated LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered) Month, Ceramics, and Hurricane Awareness Month. Check them out.

If you would like the library to add any books to any of these displays, let us know! Enjoy!

Check out our slideshow here:

Contributed by Amy Gowarty from the Pecan Campus Library.

John Adams movie June 7th!

libevents-Movies5To celebrate Independence Day, the Pecan and MidValley Libraries will be showing the monumental HBO miniseries John Adams. The miniseries is based off of David McCullough’s Pulitzer Prize winning book (click here to check for availability of book). We will be showing the first two episodes of the seven part miniseries.

Part 1: Join or Die opens with the night of the Boston Massacre. John Adams was a farmer and a lawyer, and he takes on the unpopular task of defending the British soldiers accused of murdering several American colonists.

Part 2: Independence shows John Adams as a new member of the Continental Congress that will eventually declare independence from Great Britain.

John Adams was described as “quite simply, as good as TV gets,” by the New York Daily News, and has won more Emmy’s than any other miniseries.

Pecan MidValley
July 7 at 12pm July 7 at 10pm

Happy 40th Anniversary, Aztlán Journal

Happy 40th Anniversary, Aztlán Journal!

The South Texas College Library congratulates Aztlán: Journal of Chicano Studies on forty great years. To commemorate, the Pecan Campus library created the display shown below.

Library Journal says about Aztlán: “this esteemed journal of record is essential for virtually all academic libraries.”

To find out more about the Mexican-American Studies Program at South Texas College visit the website, or take a look at the classes offered.



Contributed by Esther Garcia, Library Specialist at the Pecan Campus.

Celebrate the 40th year of Earth Day with a showing of An Inconvenient Truth

To mark the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, the STC Pecan Campus library will be having a showing of An Inconvenient Truth on April 22nd at 4pm on the first floor at F-102.

There will be an introduction to the movie by Biology instructor, Dr. Mehrad Mahmoudian-Geller, and Lillian Martinez, the Pecan Biology Club President.

To find out  more about the Pecan Biology Club visit this site:

For more information about this event, please contact Esther Garcia at 956-872-6485 or

Author Harold Jaffe to speak on Wed. April 28th


The English Dept at STC is bringing acclaimed author Harold Jaffe to speak at the Pecan Campus Library in the Rainbow Room.  Mr. Jaffe is the author of the books Beyond the Techno-Crave, Terror-Dot-Gov, and Anti-Twitter, a book of stories limited to 50 words.

Jaffe is the author of 17 books, translated into Spanish, German, Japanese, Italian French Turkish, Dutch, Czech, and Serbo-Croatian. Jaffe has won two NEA Grants in fiction, two Fulbright fellowships, a San Diego fellowship, three Pushcart prizes, and many other awards. His work has appeared in many journals and anthologies, including “Paris Review”, “Black Warrior Review”, “Pushcart Prize”, and “Best American Stories”. Jaffe is Editor of “Fiction International” and professor of English and comparative literature at San Diego State University.

American Book Review has said that Harold Jaffe “is like no one else writing today,” and the San Diego Union-Tribune says that his writing is “potent and prophetic.”

Harold Jaffe will be speaking on Wednesday April 28th start at 4:00 pm.

For more information please contact Dr. Raphael Bennett at 956-872-7266 or

Contributed by Esther Garcia, Library Specialist at Pecan.