Category Archives: Call for Art

Call For Art Guidelines

South Texas College Library Art Gallery organizes exhibits to engage our community and support the curriculum. These calls for art are opportunities for everyone to be part of the art programming. The STC Library Art Gallery is committed to providing a welcoming and learning-centered environment. The purpose of displaying artwork at our libraries is to provide space for artists to display their works for the enjoyment and enrichment of our library visitors of all ages. This should be considered when creating and choosing artworks to exhibit. These guidelines are to ensure artwork can be showcased properly and safely. We reserve the right to deny any piece of artwork.

 When submitting, all artwork must be ready to display and hang. What do we mean by ready to hang?

For 2D traditional art,

  • Canvas and frames must have wire attached with D-rings or eyelets.
  • Lightweight frames can also be turned in with saw-tooth hangers. Plastic, damaged, table-top or flimsy frames will not be displayed.
  • Frames or poster-board wired with hot glue or any type of visible glue will not be accepted.
  • Fabric hanging art must be ready to hang with poles and wire, rods and casing, or stretched with a wooden frame, or it will be pinned to wall with nails or pushpins.
  • Pieces with special hanging requirements should include hardware and a clear, typed set of instructions, where appropriate.

For 3D art,

  • Freestanding sculptures should not need special mounting. Gallery has limited pedestals, providing a base or stand is ideal.
  • There is a weight limit of 10 lbs for 3D wall art and all frames.

General guidelines

  • Artwork will not be accepted without a fully completed submission form.
  • Work must have the artist’s name clearly written on back unless the nature of the work makes it impossible to do so.
  • Once exhibit is over, artists must pick up their works by the following week. If work is left, it will be discarded. Please contact gallery staff if special accommodation is needed. 
  • All artwork must be original and created within the past 3 years.
  • Artwork will be displayed as space permits; some work may be left out at the discretion of the gallery.
  • Artwork must be appropriate for all ages.
  • Restrictions on size, medium, or content of work will vary per exhibit call.
  • When entering a call for art show, it is agreed that you, the artist, owns copyrights and allow South Texas College to photograph and use for educational and promotional purposes.
  • STC will exercise due care when handling your work, STC will not be responsible for loss, damage, or replacement during exhibition and shipping.
  • Exhibitions and events are free and open to the public.

The South Texas College Library Art Gallery organizes exhibitions and educational programs to engage student understanding of art, support the academic curriculum, and inspire continued education through direct engagement with artists, scholars, and original works of art.

For any questions, email