
Transforming Our World: The Natural Environment Panel

September 3rd at 3:00 p.m. – Virtual Panel on Our Natural Environment
[Cover image: Erica Daborn, Ahab’s Revenge, Charcoal on canvas, 70 x 203 in.]

The South Texas College Library Art Gallery presents “Transforming Our World: The Changing Climate,” a series that examines the ways in which physical and social changes to our environment have influenced the work that some artists create. Each first Thursday of the month at 3 p.m., the library will produce a lecture that discusses the many facets of our surroundings that impact each of us: our natural environment, the upcoming election, social movements, and personal health and self-care during Covid-19. Each conversation will connect a visual artist whose work has been influenced by these changes with other professionals and will include both local and non-local perspectives.

On September 3, 2020, at 3:00 p.m., visual artist Erica Daborn (M.F.A. Painting, Royal College of Art in London) will speak with Ernesto Herrera (M.S. Biology, University of Texas RGV), Elizabeth Hollenbeck (M.L.S. Texas Woman’s University), and Tamara Mekler (M.A. Earth Systems, Sustainability & Conservation) in a virtual panel about our natural environment and how artists can contribute to the field.

environment poster

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (Must use Jagnet Username & Password):



Mimi Smith. (1963 – 1965). Recycle Coat. [Fashion, Costume and Jewelry]. Retrieved from https://library.artstor.org/asset/LARRY_QUALLS_10310738532



Films on Demand iconFilms on Demand

“The New Environmentalists illustrates how ordinary people are effecting extraordinary change.”

Films Media Group. (2015). From Myanmar to ScotlandFilms On Demand. https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=99118&xtid=162914.


SmartHistorySmartHistory – “Art & the Environment” Short Courses

Guided learning in less than an hour about “both man-made and natural changes to the environment” in Art History.



The South Texas College Library Art Gallery Program organizes exhibitions and educational programs to engage student understanding of art and its role in culture, support academic curriculum, and inspire continued education through direct engagement with artists, scholars, and original works of art.

For more information, contact Library Art Gallery Coordinator, Gina Otvos, at gotvos@southtexascollege.edu or visit https://library.southtexascollege.edu/libraryartgallery.

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