With Local Elections Looming, Group Calls on Community Partners to Hold National Voter Registration Day Drives
Washington, DC – In advance of this year’s municipal and statewide elections, 2,000 groups
across the country will mobilize to celebrate National Voter Registration Day on September 26,
2017. The National Voter Registration Day Steering Committee is calling on libraries,
universities, community organizations, and businesses to partner in this effort by hosting a local registration drive. “These local elections have a direct impact on people’s day-to-day lives,” said Judd Choate, President of the National Association of State Election Directors and member of the National Voter Registration Day Steering Committee. “They affect our parks and transit systems, the schools our kids attend, police and fire protection, as well as local taxes and the public investments they support.” Every year millions of Americans don’t claim their right to vote because they miss a deadline, move, change names, or don’t know how to register in the first place. With over a quarter of Americans not voting at all, National Voter Registration Day is an occasion for community institutions, voters and election leaders to build a more representative democracy. “Election officials like myself are largely focused on making the polls run smoothly and tabulating the results accurately,” Choate added. “We count on community partners, who have trust and established relationships in their respective communities to help ensure that voters are registered and informed about the voting process.”