Are you thinking about traveling after finals? Stop by the library and check out a travel guidebook. We have guides for domestic and international travel destinations. Below are a few titles if you are thinking about traveling the great state of Texas.
1. Texas (Lonely Planet Series) – call no. F 384.3 .K73 2011

2. Exploring Texas with Children – call no. F384.3 .B83 1999

3. Official guide to Texas state parks and historic sites – call no. F 384.3 .P36 2008

4. Finding butterflies in Texas : a guide to the best sites – call no. QL 551 .T4 W39 2006

5. 52 Texas weekends : great getaways and adventures for every season – call no. F384.3 .S36 2000

6. Good times in Texas [electronic resource] : a pretty complete guide to where the fun is – call no. F384.3 .H63 1999 EB

7. Hiking Texas – call no. GV 199.42 .T49 1997

8. National Geographic field guide to birds. Texas – call no. QL 684 .T4 N38 2005

9. Texas guide : be a traveler, not a tourist! – call no. F 384.3 .M66 1998

10. More ghost towns of Texas – call no. F 387 .B353 2003

Contributed by Maureen Mitchell