Category Archives: Pecan Campus

She Roars

She Roars: A Series of Lectures, Workshops & Exhibitions that Celebrate Women’s Contributions to the Humanities

South Texas College celebrates community partnerships in an arts and humanities series, She Roars.

She Roars banner

The South Texas College Library Art Gallery and Art Department, in collaboration with community partners at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley – School of Interdisciplinary Programs and Community Engagement, International Museum of Art & Science, and the McAllen Public Library, collectively present She Roars: A Series of Lectures, Workshops, and Exhibitions Celebrating Women’s Contributions to the Humanities.

This four-day program starts with a self-defense class taught by STC Kinesiology Instructor Rodrigo Martinez and includes four exhibitions, a documentary, story-time, and workshops and lectures by founding member of the 1985-present artist collective, The Guerrilla Girls and illustrator and author Angela Dominguez.

The schedule for the event is as follows:


DAY 1 | Monday, March 6 Location: South Texas College
10 – 11 a.m. Self-Defense Workshop with STC Kinesiology Instructor, Rodrigo Martinez  (Pecan Plaza B-2511 Dojo Room)
12 – 1 p.m. Film Documentary: Finding Vivian Maier (Library F-102)
DAY 2 | Tuesday, March 7

Location: South Texas College

10 – 11 a.m. Talk: Angela Dominguez– 15 Years of Bilingual Children’s Book Illustration (Bldg. U – 2.100)
6 – 7 p.m. Talk:Guerrilla Girls w founding member Käthe Kollwitz (Bldg. U – 2.100)
5 – 8 p.m. She RoarsOpening Reception (Library Art & Bldg. B Gallery)
DAY 3 | Wednesday, March 8
Location: McAllen Public Library
11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Reading by Angela Dominguez
  Location: International Museum of Art & Science (Clark Gallery)
5 – 5:30 p.m. Poetry by Priscilla Celina Suarez
5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Uproar! The Art of Social Engagement: A Community Workshop (Kollwitz)
6:30 – 7:30 Humanities Roundtable led by Kathe Kollwitz (GG), Dr. Silvia Solis (UTRGV Gender & Women’s Studies and Environmental Studies), and Guadalupe Pardo (Trucha Cultural Fellow)
DAY 4 | Tuesday, March 21 Location: The Gremlin, Downtown McAllen
6 – 7 p.m. Oh, How They Roar: Women in the Humanities with Dr. Friederike Bruehoefener, Dr. Linda English (UTRGV), Dr. Carolina Monsivais (STC), Dr. Cathryn Merla-Watson (UTRGV), Dr. Marisa Palacios Knox (UTRGV), Melissa Arjona (STC)


“We’re thrilled about the community partnerships we’ve built with other organizations in the valley as we celebrate Women’s History Month at STC,” said STC Art History Faculty and Co-Organizer of ‘She Roars’ Melissa Terry. “We hope the ‘She Roars’ series of events will inspire students and community members to think deeply about collaborative and creative solutions to social issues, locally and globally.”

The Guerrilla Girls are an anonymous collective of artists who, since 1985, have utilized humor and stark visuals to spread awareness about the bias within art film, and popular culture to ignite the sparks of social change.

Illustrator and Author Angela Dominguez was born in Mexico City and earned a Master of Fine Arts at the Academy of Art University in California. She recently illustrated the New York Times Bestseller, “Just Help! How to Build a Better World,” written by Sonia Sotomayor.

“When I saw the Guerrilla Girls speak years ago, while in graduate school, it struck me as an exciting example of critical thinking and performative art activism. We hope the exhibition, art talk, and workshop will do the same for our community,” said Terry.

15! Angela Dominguez Has Something to Say opens February 6 and will be on view through June 6, 2023, at the STC Pecan Campus Library Art Gallery Building F.

The Guerrilla Girls: The Art of Behaving Badly exhibit opens March 7 and will be on view until April 5, 2023, at the STC Art Department Gallery Building B.

There will also be a student and community poster exhibit inspired by the work of the Guerrilla Girls and civic engagement at the South Texas College Art Department.

All events are free and open to the public.

To register for this event, visit: Workshop registration link

The She Roars program is made possible in part by a grant from Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

This program of exhibitions and educational programs are meant to engage student understanding of art and its role in culture, support the academic curriculum, and inspire continued education through direct engagement with artists, scholars, and original works of art.

For more information, contact or visit

Life and Death featured image

Life & Death on the Border 1910-1920

Life & Death on the Border image

The South Texas College Pecan Campus Library Art Gallery, History Department, and the Center for Mexican American Studies proudly present “Life and Death on the Border: 1910-1920,” a panel exhibit that includes photographs, postcards, court documents and rare artifacts that tell the story of daily life and re-examines Texas historical events of the early 1900s in the Rio Grande Valley and South Texas.

STC History Professor and co-founder of the Refusing to Forget project Trinidad Gonzales, Ph.D., worked alongside colleagues throughout the state and nation to help research and put together this exhibit and event series. These histories inspired Tejano literature, art, and music and influenced the creation of the Mexican American civil rights movement.

“It is a historical exhibit that STC is fortunate enough to exhibit for the first time since 2016,” said Gonzales. “The legacies of these histories are intertwined with the local history of the Rio Grande Valley and are finally getting told to a wider audience.”

The exhibit will be on view from February 9 – June 6 at the STC Pecan Campus Library. A playlist put together by the Bullock Museum to accompany the exhibit, Música Tejana, is a “collection of musical forms, styles, and genres that evolved primarily in South Texas during the 19th century and narrated the lives and challenges of people living along the south Texas-northern Mexican border.”

“The exhibit of Life and Death Along the Border, 1910-1920 is important because it is the first attempt by the state of Texas to tell the tragic history of the Matanza of 1915 and the Porvenir Massacre of 1918 and the heroic efforts by ethnic Mexicans to have those killings addressed at the time and the present,” said Gonzales.

If you go:

Opening session: February 9th, BLDG. U, East Ballroom – 2.100

5:30 – 6:00 pm Opening Remarks
6:00 – 7:30 pm Roundtable: Landmark Exhibit
Margaret Koch, Bullock Museum Director
Monica Martinez, UT-Austin, Refusing to Forget
Sonia Hernandez, Texas A&M, Refusing to Forget
John Moran Gonzalez, UT-Austin, Refusing to Forget
Benjamin Johnson, Chicago Loyola University
Moderation by: Trinidad Gonzales, STC, Refusing to Forget

March 9th, BLDG. D, Auditorium

6:00 – 7:00 pm Family Resistencia: The Story of a Family That Survived Rinche Violences
Christopher Carmona, UTRGV, Refusing to Forget
Juan P. Carmona, STC, Refusing to Forget

Bullock Texas State History Museum is located in Austin, Texas, and works to preserve and exhibit Texas history and culture. Refusing to Forget is a multifaceted public history project that seeks to spread awareness of violence against Mexicans and Mexican Americans at the hands of both vigilante groups and state agents, such as the Texas Rangers.

“Life and Death on the Border” was originally produced by the Bullock Texas State History Museum in collaboration with Refusing to Forget. The “Life and Death on the Border” exhibit has been made possible in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Sustaining Humanities through the American Rescue Plan in partnership with the American Historical Association. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this exhibition do not necessarily represent those of the American Historical Association or the National Endowment of the Humanities.

Life and Death – List of Names: Life and Death on the Border list of names

If you were unable to attend in person, view the video on our YouTube page

For more information, contact

DiSC Personality Training with Eyes on the Prize Leadership Coaching

DiSC Personality Training

Eyes on the Prize founder and CEO Lisa JonesDiSC is widely regarded as the most efficient and effective personal assessment tool for improving individual and team performance in the workplace, with over 40 million users worldwide.

Join us for a training on the DiSC personality types from Lisa Jones, founder and CEO of Eyes on the Prize Leadership Coaching.

Speaker: Lisa Jones
Date: Monday, February 27th 2023
Time: 3PM CST
Location: Pecan Student Union Ballroom

This event is free and open to all.

Sequence in Print

STC Library Art Gallery showcases printmaking artists in the community.

South Texas College Library Art Gallery presents “Sequence in Print,” an exhibition showcasing two RGV-based printmaking instructors, Eduardo Garcia from South Texas College and Jesse Burciaga, an instructor at UTRGV Brownsville. The exhibit on the first floor also features an array of artwork with different printmaking techniques from community members who participated in the “Creatures of the Night” call for artwork inspired by fright and folklore. 

The exhibit’s opening reception will be held on Oct. 12, 2022, from 4 – 6 p.m. at the Pecan Campus Library Art Gallery.Sequence in Print” is at the STC Pecan Campus Library Art Gallery, Bldg. F, 3201 W Pecan Blvd. in McAllen, TX

Artist, Eduardo Garcia received his MFA from the University of North Texas and joined STC in 1997. “Printmaking allows for the creation of multiples from one matrix. I feel that this aspect makes printmaking the most democratic art form since prints can be shared with many,” said Garcia. 

Jesse Burciaga received his MFA from the University of Texas-San Antonio. He got his artistic beginning by making artwork of the people in his community and now teaches students at UTRGV. Burciaga says his artwork reflects his self-described fronteño culture (living on both sides of the Mexican American border).

Along with this exhibition, printmaking workshops will take place every second Wednesday of the month from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. with Eduardo Garcia, Jessie Burciaga, Melissa Terry, and Chris Leonard. The workshops will highlight the artists’ processes and methods. The exhibition and workshops are free and open to the public.

Sept. 14 – Screen print on Clay with Melissa Terry and Chris Leonard
Room B. 115 Ceramic Studio

Oct. 12 – Collagraph Printing with Eduardo Garcia
Room B. 101 Printmaking Studio

Nov. 9 – Monoprint with Jessie Burciaga
Room B. 101 Printmaking Studio

The exhibition will open Sept. 19 and run through Dec. 2, 2022.

Can’t join us in person? Register for the broadcast at 11:30 a.m via Zoom webinar here:

The South Texas College Library Art Gallery Program organizes exhibitions and programs to engage student understanding of art and its role in culture, support the academic curriculum, and inspire continued education through direct engagement with artists, scholars, and original works of art.

For more information, contact the library at (956) 872-3488,, or visit

 To view Eduardo’s and Jessie’s workshops, watch here:

Stories from the Front

Colonel Lisa Carrington Firmin: Stories from the Front

Stories from the Front

Author Colonel Lisa Carrington Firmin

Author Colonel Lisa Carrington Firmin

In her newest book, Bronze Star-decorated combat commander Colonel Lisa Carrington Firmin outlines her experiences and those of 13 other brave women and men affected by Military Sexual Trauma. Join us for a frank discussion about the invisible wounds left behind by assault, trauma, hardship, and combat. Copies of Stories from the Front: Pain, Betrayal, and Resilience on the MST Battlefield will be available for purchase and signing.

Event Title: “Colonel Lisa Carrington Firmin: Stories from the Front”
Speaker: Colonel Lisa Carrington Firmin
Date: Wednesday October 19th, 2022

1PM in the Technology Campus Auditorium

6PM in the Pecan Campus Student Union Building

Cover of Stories from the Front: Pain, Betrayal, And Resilience On The MST Battlefield

After serving 30 years in the Air Force, and as its most senior-ranking Latina officer upon retirement, Colonel Carrington Firmin was horrified by the appalling murder of a fellow Latina, Army Specialist Vanessa Guillén, in April 2020. Vanessa’s horrific death became the catalyst for repressed memories of the colonel’s own sexual assault during initial training and the repeated sexual harassment she endured early in her career and catapulted her on a soul-searching journey to document others’ experiences and to advocate for change within the armed services. Her poem “Into the Light,” featured in Stories from the Front, captures her feelings and recounts how she came to end her silence on the negative aspects of her military career. The colonel is proud of her service and the strong bonds she had with so many military professionals, but acknowledges that now is the time to share the full reality of all that she experienced and endured.

Stories from the Front is published by Blue Ear Books on April 22, 2022, to commemorate the second anniversary of Vanessa Guillén’s murder.

Blue Ear Books official website

South Texas College gears up for its 14th Annual Ceramics Conference

Exhibit extended until August 19 and moved to the Pecan Library Art Gallery.

South Texas College kicks off its 14th Annual South Texas Ceramic Showdown, “The Future is Fluid. Is Function Fixed?” with two days of demonstrations, art talks, a reception, and a month-long exhibit for the community.

The exhibit will be on view from June 6 to July 1, 2022, at the STC Pecan Campus Art Gallery. The gallery and ceramic studio are located at 3201 West Pecan Blvd., Building B in McAllen.

Schedule for the event is as follows:

Thursday, June 16, 2022—
9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Clay Demonstrations at STC’s Ceramic Studio, B115
6 p.m. – 7 p.m. Art Talk with Carla Hughes & Julian Rodriguez, STC Building B Gallery
6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Exhibition Reception at STC Building B Gallery 

Friday, June 17, 2022—
9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Clay Demonstrations at Ceramic Studio, B 115

The event will include a full display of ceramic work by esteemed local ceramicists Carla Hughes and Julian Rodriguez as well as ceramic work from nine universities and community colleges across the U.S. as well as ceramic work by STC and UTRGV students.

“We are excited to get the Ceramic Showdown up and running again…and a little nervous, too. It’s a bit like opening a kiln after some time off with the waiting and anticipation and patience and that repeating question: “What are we going to see,” said Chris Leonard, STC Ceramics Instructor and Ceramic Showdown Organizer. “What you put in isn’t always what you get out, and life and ceramics can be hard. But there are plenty of repeat customers of schools from in and outside of Texas sending student and faculty work. Texas A&M Kingsville drove their work down the first chance they had.”

The South Texas College Library Art Gallery Program organizes exhibitions and programs to engage students’ understanding of art and its role in culture, support academic curriculum, and inspire continued education through direct engagement with artists, scholars, and original works of art.

Participating institutions in the collaborative ceramic constructions include Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Lawrence University, Southeast Missouri State University, Texas A&M University – Kingsville, The University Of Texas – Rio Grande Valley, The University Of Texas – San Antonio, Mesa Community College, South Texas College, Tarrant County College.

“Our presenters, Carla Hughes, and Julian Rodriguez, are local heroes who have valuable experience to share,” Leonard said. “We here at STC should be receptive. We have had a very good year in the studio and have put together three-wall installations where folks had the chance to collaborate and work as a team with some independent freedom, too, in creating component parts. I hope we can generate a real, local buzz.”

About the artists:
Carla Hughes is a studio potter and sculptor living and working in Harlingen, Texas. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 2013 from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. She currently runs a studio and gallery in Downtown Harlingen where she creates original works, teaches workshops, and hosts regional artists.

Julian Rodriguez is a native of South Texas and has been a ceramist for decades. He received a B.A. from St. Edward’s University in 1994 and an MFA focusing on ceramics and sculpture from The University of Texas-Pan American in 2007. He is now a lecturer with the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Texas at Brownsville.

For more information contact Gina Otvos at (956) 872-3488, or visit

To view the artist’s talks, watch here:

Images of the ceramic pieces by Carla Hughes, Wall Sun #3 (left) & Julian Rodriguez, El Santo (right).

Inside the Artists Studio

Virtual Workshop Banner

The STC Library presents a series of five virtual art workshops.

The South Texas College Library Art Gallery presents a virtual art workshop series “Inside the Artist Studio” every second Wednesday of the month beginning in February at 1 p.m.

At every session, a different artist will lead participants in an hour-long workshop teaching specific visual art skills like figure drawing, collaging, and visually interpreting written poems.

Each workshop will broadcast from inside each artist’s home studios giving us a glimpse into their work, inspiration, media, and path it has taken to become the artists they are.

Artists featured within this series are Divine Agbeko, Jaden D. Blango, Aimaloghi Eromosele, and Marcelina Gonzales.

Artists Jason Valdez and Josue Ramirez will give virtual presentations about their exhibits at the STC Technology and Mid-Valley Campus Libraries. All events are free and open to the public.

This series is scheduled on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. via Zoom.

Feb. 9 – Figure Drawing with Jaden Blango
Feb. 16 – “Time and a Half” with Jason Valdez
March 2 – “Who’s the Bandit” with Josue Ramirez
March 9 – Resin Collage with Marcelina Gonzales
April 13 – Visual Poetry with Aimaloghi Eromosele and Divine Agbeko

For more information, contact (956) 872-3488,, or visit

STC’s Library Art Gallery Program organizes exhibitions and educational programs to engage student understanding of art and its role in culture, support the academic curriculum, and inspire continued education through direct engagement with artists, scholars, and original works of art.

To view each of the artist’s talks, watch here:

STC Library Virtual Art Workshops

Observation Landscape Featured

Natural Environment Exhibit & Workshop

The STC Library Art Gallery investigates the natural landscape in a three-part exhibition and workshopExhibit Banner
Brittney Luna & Jessica Monroe will present a mural and painting workshop on October 27, 2021, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. 

The South Texas College Library Art Gallery investigates the natural environment with a three-part exhibition featuring naturalist Jessica Monroe, muralist Brittney Luna, and community members who created artwork from recycled materials. On October 27, two virtual workshops will feature Jessica Monroe, leading a painting workshop on mark-making and meditation in nature painting, and Brittney Luna, discussing multiple angles of mural-making –the business aspect and the techniques. The exhibition and workshops are free and open to the public.

When: October 27, 2021, 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Observation Landscape: Painting Workshops with Jessica Monroe and Brittney Luna.
Attendees must register in advance:

To participate or for more information about the call for recycled art, open through September 27th, please visit:

South Texas College Library Art Gallery thanks community members/artists for their participation in this exhibit. Artists featured within this exhibition are Caleb Peña, Mariana Prado, Pat Cooper, Elizabeth Hollenback, Leila Hernandez, Kathy Bussert-Webb, Abigail Saldaña, Alexic Ramos, Jay Huber, Ede Liliana, Catherine Dominguez Nava, Gina Palacios, Clarissa Sifuentes, Corina Garcia, and Kristen Sanchez.

The South Texas College Library Art Gallery Program organizes exhibitions and programs to engage student understanding of art and its role in culture, support the academic curriculum, and inspire continued education through direct engagement with artists, scholars, and original works of art.

For more information, contact (956) 872-3488,, or visit

Observation Landscape Flier

Fall Festival 2021

Fall Festival At Your Campus Libraries!

A hot air balloon floats in the sky.Join us the week of September 20th-23rd for our Fall Festival: Around the Library in 80 Days! Each campus library will be celebrating the start of the Fall semester, and we want you to come by for fun, information, and prizes!

Show up, get your ticket, visit the stations, and get your prize. It’s that easy!

Each event will be held from 11AM to 1PM. See below for the days each campus will be participating!

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