Category Archives: Virtual Event

Will'n in Weslaco Academic Lecture

Will’n in Weslaco Public Lecture 2025

Decorative blog headerSTC Library is delighted to partner with Will’n in Weslaco to present this year’s public lecture. Will Morrisey, a scholar with a Ph.D. in political science from the New School for Social Research, has published extensively on Shakespeare’s political thought. His work explores how Shakespeare’s plays engage with themes of governance, justice, and human nature. Dr. Morrisey’s career includes teaching political philosophy at Hillsdale College, where he held the William and Patricia LaMothe Chair in the U.S. Constitution.

Join us either in person at Mid-Valley Campus Building G 288 or virtually on Zoom Webinar.

Event Title: “What’s So Funny About the Law? Shakespeare’s The Comedy of Errors”
Speaker: Dr. Will Morrisey
Date: Tuesday, April 8th 2025
Time: 6PM CST
Register here: Link

Liana V. Andreasen Author Reading

Author Talk Liana V. AndreasonSTC Faculty and author Liana V. Andreasen will read from her newly published book Whirl of Birds, a collection of short stories.

“The literary landscape of Whirl of Birds interlaces the spatial and temporal complexities of the mind, in narrative flickers and bursts. Whether we glimpse at the plight of Neanderthals in the depths of lost ages, or at the collapse of communism in the mirrors of a children’s theater, whether we’re uplifted by the triumph of friendship over poverty or watch the last cowboy in New York State struggle to save his business, we recognize how much we are driven by our passions. Strange, but all too human obsessions shape the characters: from rat hoarding to an infatuation with a sculpture, from lies we tell ourselves and others to encounters with the dead, readers are swept in whirls of time, chains of connectivity that can break like glass, the unseen that whispers in our ear. The twists and turns of these short stories create a restless world where self and other meet in glimpses. Each small moment becomes an earthquake that echoes through time, each life is wrestled out of its own darkness, to arrive at the one question that is worth asking.” — Finishing Line Press

Copies will be available for purchase courtesy of the STC Bookstore.

Join us in person at Pecan F102 or online through Zoom Webinar (registration link below).

Event Title:Liana V. Andreasen Author Reading
Speaker: Liana V. Andreasen
Date: Monday, November 18th 2024
Location: Pecan F102 and online through Zoom Webinar
Register for the online session: Link

My Journey From School Segregation To More Equal Opportunities In Education

Dr. Darrial Reynolds’ presentation traces his journey from school segregation to increased educational opportunities. He will discuss his K-12 experiences with segregation and integration following the Brown v. Board of Education (1954) decision. He will also examine the impact of key education policies passed by Congress after the ruling, focusing on their role in promoting equality in both elementary, secondary, and higher education. Finally, he will compare the effects of a high school diploma and a college degree on wages since the landmark decision.

Join us on Starr Campus or online through Zoom Webinar (registration link below).

Event Title: “My Journey From School Segregation To More Equal Opportunities In Education”
Speaker: Dr. Darrial Reynolds
Date: Wednesday, November 6th 2024
Location: Starr Campus E1-606 and online through Zoom Webinar
Register for the online session: Link


Challenges in Health Care Services on the Border

Challenges in Health Care Services on the Border

Speaker Dr. John McKiernan-Gonzalez

When federal health authorities act in a place like Texas where people cross rivers, live, love, and work together and are a part of their communities and their nations, public health becomes a key site to understand and enact health and disease, citizenship and community, inclusion and exclusion.

Dr. McKiernan-González is the Director of the Center for the Study of the Southwest, the Jerome and Catherine Supple Professor of Southwestern Studies, and Associate Professor of History at Texas State University.

Event Title: “Challenges in Health Care Services on the Border”
Speaker: Speaker Dr. John McKiernan-Gonzalez
Date: Wednesday, October 2nd 2024
Time: 3PM CST
Register here: Link

Will’n in Weslaco Academic Lecture: Shakespeare’s Comedy of Ancient Athens

A Midsummer Night's Dream

STC Library is delighted to partner with Will’n in Weslaco to present this year’s academic lecture on Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Dr. Jan Blits, Professor Emeritus of the University of Delaware, will be presenting on the intricate themes and timeless relevance of this great comedy.

Join us on April 9th at 6PM through Zoom Webinar or on MidValley Campus in G288.

Speaker Dr. Jan Blits

Event Title: “Shakespeare’s Comedy of Ancient Athens”
Speaker: Dr. Jan H. Blits
Date: Tuesday, April 9th 2024
Time: 6PM CST
Register here: Link


Juan Ochoa Author Talk

Juan Ochoa Author Reading

Juan Ochoa Author Reading

Author Juan Ochoa

Author Juan Ochoa

Join us in-person in F102 or online through Zoom Webinar for this reading by STC faculty and author Juan Ochoa from his newest book. Pa’l Otro Lado, a prequel to Mariguano, spans five generations of violence and tragedy in the Cortina family while narrating their forced migration to the United States from Northern Mexico. It is the tale of every working-class family who has come to realize that “you just can’t win.” Hunger and poverty drive the characters in this novel to abandon all hopes of attaining the American Dream and to resign themselves simply to survive. P’al Otro Lado is full of the baddest hombres and the nastiest women we all know, love, and call family.

Event Title: “Juan Ochoa Author Reading”
Speaker: Professor Juan Ochoa
Date: Thursday, January 25th 2024
Time: 5PM CST
Register here: Link


Discovering Your Career Passions & Purpose

Discovering Your Career Passions & Purpose

Dr. Colleen Georges

Speaker Dr. Colleen Georges

Join us for a Zoom Webinar featuring renowned career coach and TEDx speaker Dr. Colleen Georges. Discover how to leverage your strengths, pursue your passions, and forge a purposeful career path. Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on your journey towards becoming a future leader!

Event Title: “Discovering Your Career Passions & Purpose”
Speaker: Dr. Colleen Georges
Date: Tuesday, February 13th 2024
Time: 6PM CST
Register here: Link

Health Services Management Guest Speaker

Health Services Management

Dr. Patti McCoyDiscover the future of health services management and the exciting opportunities on the horizon in our upcoming Zoom Webinar featuring Patti McCoy, Ph.D. Gain valuable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare administration, as Dr. McCoy shares her expertise and vision for the industry.

Event Title: “Health Services Management: Newest Changes and Opportunities”
Speaker: Dr. Patti McCoy
Date: Thursday, November 16th 2023
Time: 2PM CST
Register here: Link


Adulting 101: A Series of Library Events

Adulting 101

Unlock the secrets to successful adulthood in the Adulting 101 webinar series, where we’ll empower you with essential life skills. Master financial wellness, discover your career passion, navigate social media with confidence, and fortify your cybersecurity armor. Join us on a transformative journey towards a brighter future.

All webinars will be held on Zoom and everyone is welcome!

Budgeting, Relationships, and Life Events with F3E Online – October 4th at 6PM

Recording available!

Disinformation and Misinformation on Social Media – November 6th at 6PM

Register here.

A Lot of BS (Behavioral Science) About Cybersecurity – November 13th at 6PM

Register here.

All events begin at 6PM on Zoom Webinar. For more information, contact Heather Bobrowicz at 956-872-2277 or

Don’t Be Hasty: Large-scale Landscape Paintings Give Local Surroundings a Fresh Look

Artist Talk: Oct. 4, 10 – 11 a.m.  |  Exhibit Reception: Oct. 4, 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

South Texas College Library Art Gallery presents “Don’t Be Hasty,” a new exhibition by Tenured Associate Professor of Art at UTRGV, Jerry Lyles. The exhibition begins on August 28 through December 7, 2023, on the first floor of the STC Pecan Library Art Gallery located at 3201 W. Pecan Blvd., Bldg. F, in McAllen, TX. 

 Jerry Lyles received his Master of Fine Arts in Painting from the American University in Washington, D.C. This body of work includes large-scale paintings, which include outdoor observational or plein air pieces.  Lyles explores the relationships between space, forms in the given space, and our reaction to them. He poses the question, “How does space impact our sense of identity, and when that space is altered, what is negotiated in order to retain a sense of self?” Through his skilled still-life paintings incorporating color, form, value, shape, and space, Lyles searches for visual metaphors that discuss these relationships. 

The LAG will host an art talk on October 4 from 10 – 11 a.m. in the Student Union in U 2.100 and an exhibition reception the same day from 5:30 – 7 p.m. at the Pecan Library Bldg. F. This exhibit is shown concurrently with the community exhibit, “Ka-Ching! Art About Economics & Money” and will share the reception.

Couldn’t join us in person? View the art talk on YouTube:

 Admission is free and open to the public. 

STC’s Library Art Gallery Program organizes exhibitions and educational programs to engage student’s understanding of art and its role in culture, support the academic curriculum, and inspire continued education through direct engagement with artists, scholars, and original works of art. 

For more information, call 956-447-6663, email, or visit