In the week leading up to Veteran’s Day, the Center for Mexican American Studies at South Texas College will inaugurate the José de la Luz Saenz Veteran’s Lecture Series. The week will feature lectures, documentaries, and photo exhibit that all take a historical look at the Latina/o Experience in the Armed Forces.
The week will start out with author and historian Emilio Zamora, UT-Austin and co-editor and contributor to Beyond the Latino World War II Hero among other publications. Dr. Zamora will speak on November 7th at 6:00 PM at the South Texas College Pecan Campus at the Rainbow Room. His talk “Fighting for Equal Rights at Home and Abroad” will focus on the life and work of Jose de la Luz Saenz, the namesake of the speaker series. Following the talk will be a book signing session.
Documentary filmmaker, John Valadez, will introduce and screen his award winning documentary “The Longoria Affair.” The film will be shown on November 8th at the Pecan Campus Library, on November 9th at the STARR County Campus in Auditorium E, and on November 10th at the Mid-Valley Campus in Auditorium G. All viewings will start at 6:00 PM.
On Thursday, November 10th at 6:00 PM, Dr. Joanne Rao Sanchez or St. Edward’s University will be giving a talk entitled “The Latinas of World War II” based on her writing for the book Beyond the Latino World War II Hero. The event will take place at the Pecan Campus Library’s Rainbow Room. Following the talk will be a book signing session and a reception.
In addition, the Humanities Texas photo exhibit Images of Valor: U.S. Latinas and Latinos in WWII, will be displaying at the Pecan Campus Library’s Rainbow Room throughout the month of November. That week will also feature flag raisings throughout the STC campuses, celebrating all who have served.
José de la Luz Saenz was a veteran of World War I. He was raised in South Texas and was a lifelong teacher, educator, and civil rights advocate. Saenz published the diary he kept during his time in the war entitled “The Mexican Americans in the Great War and their Work in Favor of Democracy, Humanity, and Justice” in 1933.
Cosponsoring the event are the Office of Student Life, the Office of Library Services, and the Library Art Gallery. For more information, please contact Victor Gomez at 956-872-6485 or vgomez@southtexascollege.edu.