Ada Lovelace Day is an international day celebrating the achievements of women in science, technology, engineering and maths. Find out more about Ada Lovelace Day here: Also, it’s a great day to check out what books we have for women working in STEMs here at the STC Library!

Top secret Rosies : the female computers of World War II Call number: QA 27.5 .T67 2010

American women in technology : an encyclopedia Call number: T 36 .Z54 2000

A to Z of women in science and math Call number: Q141 .Y675 1999

Women and information technology : research on underrepresentation Call number: QA 76.9 .W65 W66 2006

The clean coder : a code of conduct for professional programmers Call number: QA 76.9 .M65 M367 2011