The STC Women’s Studies Group is hosting a series of documentary films.
On Nov. 13 at 6:00 pm they will be showing Sound of Torture (2013). The film is about a Swedish journalist named Meron Estefanos gets a disturbing tip. She’s given a phone number that supposedly belongs to a group of refugees being held hostage in the Sinai desert. She dials the number, and soon dozens of strangers are begging her to rescue them. How can she ignore them?
On Nov. 19 at 6:00 pm, they will show Maria in Nobody’s Land (2010). The film is an unprecedented look at the illegal and extremely dangerous journey of three Salvadoran women to the US. Doña Inés, a 60 year old woman, has been looking for her daughter for years and is following her to the US. Marta and Sandra, escaping domestic abuse and poverty, decide to leave their families behind to travel to America.
Movies will be held at Building D– Aud at the Pecan Campus.
For more information contact jclark@southtexascollege.edu.