April 22, 2015 is the 45th anniversary of Earth Day and will be celebrated around the world. Explore the topic further by viewing a PBS Earth Day video or a short NBC video on the history of Earth Day, or by browsing the many resources on the Sustainable Works website or the Earth Day Network.
Here are the Pecan Campus Biology Club’s top picks for Earth Day: Gasland, Food Inc., and Mother: Caring for 7 Billion (2011).
Join in the celebration by visiting the library and checking out one of our many books on the topic in the South Texas College Libraries. Here are a few titles to get started:
Ecotourists save the world : the environmental volunteer’s guide to more than 300 international adventures to conserve, preserve, and rehabilitate wildlife and habitats / Brodowsky, Pamela K.
Call number: G 156.5 .E26 B76 2010

A spring without bees : how colony collapse disorder has endangered our food supply / Schacker, Michael
Call Number: SF 538.5 .C65 S33 2008

The weather makers : how man is changing the climate and what it means for life on Earth / Flannery, Tim F.
Call Number: QC 981.8 .C5 F438 2005

Love Canal : And the Birth of the Environmental Health Movement (eBook) / Gibbs, Lois Marie

Save the Planet : 52 Brilliant Ideas for Rescuing Our World (eBook) / Marshall, Natalia

An unreasonable woman : a true story of shrimpers, politicos, polluters, and the fight for Seadrift, Texas / Wilson, Diane
Call Number: SH 20 .W55 A3 2005

Plastic ocean : how a sea captain’s chance discovery launched a quest to save the oceans / Moore, Charles
Call Number: GC 1085 .M66 2012

The eco-living handbook : a complete green guide for your home and life / Callard, Sarah
Call Number: GE 196 .C353 2009

Planetary citizenship : your values, beliefs, and actions can shape a sustainable world / Henderson, Hazel
Call Number: GE 195 .H46 2004

America Goes Green : An Encyclopedia of Eco-friendly Culture in the United States (eBook) / Duram, Leslie A.; White, Kim Kennedy

Gaia’s garden : a guide to home-scale permaculture / Hemenway, Toby
Call Number: SB 439 .H44 2009

Additionally, learn about environmental issues at Earth Times.
Contributed by Librarian, Maureen Mitchell